Sunday, 30 September 2012

Confucians (the Han Chinese) say they are discriminated!

Definition of discrimination : Unfair treatment of a person or group on the basis of prejudice.

Native Han Chinese language speakers call ALL foreigners devils (monsters / ghosts). Confucians have never called it discrimination but been proud of it.

When what they have done is revealed and exposed, they cry “discrimination” to “defend” themselves and "fight against discrimination". (It just reminds me of the great honest man Mr. Willis.)

Can you clearly see Confucian mental disorder and their anti-ethics instinct?

(The Confucian mental disorder and contrary instinct are my main topic.)

Friday, 28 September 2012

最近 与汉支那邪恶性有关的论坛、blog 一个接一个地遭攻击

在汉支那的疯狂攻击下,不知道这个blog 能够生存多久。

汉支那有5000年伟大 “文明”,有13亿数量,无论什么情况都是高等优秀智慧,竟然对那么几张嘴恐惧到这种程度?你们的13亿张嘴还不够反驳么?需要攻击别人的论坛或blog?



为了对付 礼让流氓们 的攻击,采取了一些紧急措施,其中之一就是新建 blog。

以下是新 blog 地址,如果我的其它 blog 受到攻击,无法显示或被删除,就到新的地址去找我。也许 blogger 不会真的帮着邪教儒教徒们把整个世界搞得暗无天日。