My theories can explain the Han Chinese people accurately. But all of my blogs on tumblr are down. The Confucian terrorists shouted "peace, love, help, tolerance and stability" to serve their crimes (not the truth or justice) and persecute/murder anyone who resists, and launched a terrorist attack on my blogs that exposed their crimes. The perpetrators wanted peace only to protect their criminal activities.
I don't know how long my blogs on blogger could survive. If you are interested, please save, reblog, share, or do whatever you like. No copyrights reserved.
我写的blog专门揭露汉支那的民族本质本性及其成因。叫喊宽容礼让的汉支那并没有来向我显示什么叫宽容或礼让,没有依据事实来反驳,而是傲慢霸道地向我显示了其宽容礼让的本质:我对你叫喊宽容礼让,你就必须屈服于我的权力,你就必须去向侵害者屈服去表现宽容礼让,由我来决定你该做什么,由我来决定你去向恶霸屈服投降,去满足恶霸。否则,若你不服从我对你的霸权约束要求?礼让恐怖分子,宽容恐怖分子就进行恐怖袭击!面对礼让恶霸,宽容恶霸的恐怖袭击,我不知道我写的东西能够生存多久,若对我写的内容有兴趣,请转载发布。以后也可以搜索“汉支那” 以找到我写的东西。